Friday, January 24, 2014


It's been almost a week since I've last written on here, so I figured I'd catch everyone up on what my week's been like.

So since my one and only Monday class was cancelled last week, I had it for the first time this week. Needless to say I'm super excited about that class. It's called Video, Media, and Architecture and it's essentially about how architecture can be showcased, explained, or displayed in different media forms. My teacher seems super passionate about it, which helps get me excited about it. Not to mention the first lecturer (we have a lecture series here that we're required to attend, but I'd still probably go because these professionals are going to be amazing) is an architect who turned...director? He makes a lot of videos about architecture now. I'm pretty excited to see what he has to say. I hadn't even heard of videos being used instead of renderings before coming here, so I'm really grateful for this experience.

Fast-forward to Wednesday, my day without any classes. I woke up early to do some laundry since it wasn't supposed to rain that day. And my roommate was going to put in a load after me. Because of that I decided to use the setting on the washing machine that excludes the last cycle that essentially just spins the clothes. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LESSON FOLKS. Do not do this. Ever. I opened the door once my clothes were done and water came just pouring out. So I got to spend most of my morning moping up the floors and wringing out my clothes. At least it didn't rain.

We also stocked back up on groceries that day, which made me super excited because I'm really enjoying cooking for myself here. My roommate Rachel and I are always asking each other "What are you making for dinner tonight?" It's like a therapeutic relaxation time for us.

After Thurdsday classes it's the weekend here. So after dinner I went next door to my best friends apartment and we had Megan and Lizz night. If you have not seen "Just Friends" starring Ryan Reynolds, I suggest you do, and listen carefully to even background music. Because it's utterly hilarious, and not too cheesy at all. I repeat, this is not a chick-flick. Men can watch.

Then this morning we "slept-in", which was about 9:30/10 because who wants to waste time here by sleeping. Then Rachel and I set off on a mission. 1. We desperately needed to get here some waterproof boots; her poor feet have been suffering in rainy Florence since we got here. 2. I wanted a new satchel/bag as a souvenir and because mine broke.

The first place we went was the market by our architecture site. We wanted to compare prices for veggies and fruits that we buy, and just to look about. But we ended up buying other things. I was able to snag a pair of wool knee-high socks for only €3, while Rachel finally got a pair of slippers, which she had been yearning for in out apartment. Then we say a stand that had €1 shirts, so of course we couldn't pass those up. We each got two, which are in the wash as I write this because we're so excited to be able to wear them! Then I found the perfect bag at a stand (that literally only had male clothing items and bags; if you know me, this isn't surprising at all) that was only €35, which is really good for a quality bag here in Italy. But at this point we still hadn't found Rachel a pair of boots that she liked and that we inexpensive.

So we then headed to a part of town we had only briefly explored to buy groceries. It was loaded with shoe stores, but most of the boots were bedazzled or €50+. To add a bit of perspective that, it's about $75. So we kept walking, and finally stumbled upon a store with minimal bedazzling and shoes for €20 max. We actually found a pair of fully non-bedazzled boots and called it a day.

It was only 12:30 and we had a pretty successful morning. I'd say we're using our long weekends well.

Later tonight we're going to an architecture lecture, that I may or may not write about later. And then tomorrow some of us our taking a day trip, so you will all be well informed on that as soon as I can catch my breath this coming week.

I also hope to write a bit about what my studio project is specifically so that I can update properly on my progress. So, that should also be up shortly. For now, back to photoshop.


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