Saturday, January 25, 2014


My roommate, Christian, came home one Sunday after going to mass with some friends, and approached us about an event she was invited to. It was an supposedly a lecture on art in the vatican museums by a father who works in the Vatican and recently wrote a book about some of the art pieces and their religious relevance. Since I'm not only a Christian but an art history major also I was pretty interested, as was my other roommate, Rachel. The only stipulation was that we had to dress well. Christian had brought nice clothes, but Rachel and I hadn't, since we packed what we'd normally wear during a semester. So when the day of the lecture came around, our outfits were a bit...interesting.

We got there when the invitation had prescribed, but the first hour or so was essentially mingling time, and we didn't know anyone except a fellow architecture student who came by himself. So we entertained ourselves by reading the literature provided about the author.
Let me now explain a little more about what the event actually was. Sure, it was a lecture, but it was also for the "patrons" who are people, mostly from the US, who donate money to help restore the art in the Vatican museums and get special benefits for it such as this exclusive lecture (we had our names on a list and everything). We were even informed that we were currently in the previous residence of a former pope.  
There was also a fancy professor man who gave a lecture in Italian and then the father translates for us.
All in all it was a very interesting time.
Oh wait, the food. Ah how could anyone forget?! The even had been catered and we stuck around to see if the food after the lecture was any different from the food before. It was all served finger-food style, but it was beyond delicious. They were even handing out steak! There was also an open bar, but who cares about that when there's steak?!
Essentially I finally got my authentic Italian meal from a top-class chef, and it was free.
And then as we were leaving (the coat check gentleman put my coat on for me. *Swoon*) we decided to play around with the gigantic mirror installed at the base of the stairs that does a convincingly good job at creating the illusion of a larger room that is actually present.

I call this "Selfie Generation", although no one took selfies better than kings.

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